Recent Lead Testing in Memphis, Tennessee, Showing Alarming Rates of Lead in Children

According to USA Today Network, "Earlier this fall, more than 30 schools tested at least one water source with lead above the threshold. The results raised alarm in parents across the city, prompting the blood testing and assurances by public officials.” 

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention and academic achievement.“

Kids in the schools of Memphis have been opted to have small simple blood tests taken at school, with a simple prick of the finger, to sample the blood for any lead concentration.

“The blood test also includes an equally important questionnaire, which helps determine potential sources of exposure.” - “Most commonly, children are exposed to lead at home. The CDC identifies preventing exposure as the most important step for parents, doctors and others.”

“Ideally, any child’s lead level is zero, said Stuart Batterman, whose research examines the presence of and risks associated with toxic compounds like lead. Batterman is a professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health.”

“Memphis has a lead poisoning rate of about 2%, according to Betsy Shockley, who supervises the Shelby County Health Department’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. The national average is below 1%, Shockley said. 

The rate is correlated to the number of older homes; more than half of all housing units in the City of Memphis were built before 1978, Shockley said”.

Nature 2 Tap prides itself in the power of education. We are understanding of the national situation and the exposure to lead that countless American’s have. We also know the hazardous impact this contaminant could have on the development of children, as well as pregnant woman. Lead is harmful to all humans, but currently it appears children from ages 0-12 suffer the most from the contaminant metal - It is our responsibility as a society to give our next generation clean and trustworthy water.

The first step to be taken is to test the sources that we are most commonly exposed to - and we have done our best to come up with the most simple and reliable solution for you in your home, at a highly affordable rate, for everyone. Our test kit is easy to use, will provide exact results from a laboratory certified in all 50 states and we ensure you, that with the power of education you will be able to make better decisions within your household, as to measures that need to be taken to have safe, lead-free water.


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